As with so many problems, the first step to overcoming it is communication. If you’re in a relationship, it will benefit you and your partner to acknowledge and address the topic of your erectile difficulties and erectile dysfunction as together you can begin the journey of understanding the causes of ED and then finding ways to overcome ED together.
Planning the ED conversation
Keeping it straightforward will make the topic easier to discuss overall. After all, you’re having this conversation to start looking for solutions, which is already a positive. If you have difficulty knowing what to say, try to remember these helpful points:
- Schedule time for a relaxed chat
- Know in advance what you want to say
- It’s ok to take a break from the conversation
- Stay positive
We have explored how to talk to your partner about ED in more detail to help get you started.
Common Myths About ED
Myth: ED is only a problem for men aged over 60
- While ED tends to become more common with age, it can affect men of all ages. Research indicates that 1 in 3 Irish men have experienced difficulty achieving an erection, and 1 in 5 indicated they experience ED regularly.
Myth: ED is a reflection of manhood or sex drive
- Erectile dysfunction has nothing to do with masculinity. Often, it occurs as a result of an underlying health condition. If you are experiencing ED symptoms, talk to your pharmacist or make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your general health.
Myth: ED has no connection to your overall health
- Erectile difficulties can result from one or more of the following: physical health conditions, psychological conditions or from taking certain medications. Learn more about what causes ED and if you have symptoms, it will help to talk to your pharmacist or doctor.
Myth: If my partner has ED, it means they are not attracted to me
- This is a common but untrue assumption about ED. Both people in the relationship must remember that erectile dysfunction is a medical issue, not a relational one. Taking time to understand the causes of ED and address the symptoms will help to build that closeness to your partner again. Viagra Connect has been successful for many people and is available without prescription at your local pharmacy.
Myth: I can treat my ED without medical guidance
- It is always advised to speak to a medical professional, whether a doctor or pharmacist or both about your erectile dysfunction.
Buy Viagra Connect
If you are ready to try Viagra Connect, it is available over the counter in pharmacies around Ireland and through online pharmacies too. Both involve a consultation with a pharmacist to ensure suitability.
IE-VIAC-2024-00072 DOP: December 2024